The green color is over

Looking at it looks like the same device that was created five years ago by technologists: television. In fact, the production of a new version of television, shortly scheduled, solves one of the problems many of us have to deal with: color depletion.

How many of you did during a day spent in front of the TV to stay without the green color? I turn to all those who, on one day, have passed from one game to another of tennis or football and in the midst of the evening match, with many friends at dinner, you see the TV signal indicating that “the Green of your TV is over. ” This problem also has pink housewives in seeing hours and hours of close-ups of faces in telenovelas.

With this new rechargeable color television you will be able to load in the tray behind, the color out of stock. The colors are on sale in all citizens’ economic markets.

There are so many funny stories that have emerged after the development of television, among many there is that of Mark. Sandy, her girlfriend, invites him to dinner by her but he refuses because she says he is sick; Actually that night there was a big tennis game on tv. What happens next is that Sandy makes a surprise to Mark who feels her coming and runs to bed. But Sandy finds the wall of the room in front of green color TV, T-shirt and Mark’s face: with green shades. It is clear that that evening Mark saw the game.

In this regard, the new applied technology tends to limit this kind of color dispersion of the primary program into vision in the environment.
We are waiting for the new device to see if the improvement is actually there.

In the preview it was revealed that technologists are working on a kind of “program change” that allows you to change the program you are seeing directly from sitting without the need to get up each time. Important news is waiting for us in the coming decades.